The Collapse Of The US Dollar is now inevitable...... View over 250 Videos on this dire reality. Please Prepare yourself, and pass this on to your friends and loved ones.....
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Crisis by Design Coast to Coast AM 15 June 2010
Crisis by Design Coast to AM Jim Rogers Financial Sens Newshour with jim Puplava Marc Faber gerald celente The Alex Jones Investment Robert Kiyosaki Mike Maloney Bob Chapman Tucker Daniel Estulin Bilderberg Webster Tarpley alex jones peter schiff commodities gold silver federal reserve economic collapse crisis gata inflation bernanke LTCM max keiser comex GATA dollar fiat amero currency bretton stock market crash rothschild jp morgan goldman sachs
Dispatches - Crash - How Long Will It Last.
Jim Rogers Financial Sens Newshour with jim Puplava Marc Faber gerald celente The Alex Jones Show Gold and Silver Investment Robert Kiyosaki Mike Maloney Bob Chapman Tucker Daniel Estulin Bilderberg Webster Griffin Tarpley alex jones peter schiff buy commodities gold silver federal reserve economic collapse crisis gata inflation bernanke LTCM max keiser stacy herbert comex GATA dollar fiat amero currency bretton stock market crash rothschild jp morgan goldman sachs
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Worse than a Depression

We are witnessing the death of democratic socialism. No politician wants it to happen, but none can prevent it. We are at the point where the Ponzi concept of “extend and pretend” has been extended beyond social commitments and banking systems to entire economies. We are approaching what Ludwig von Mises described as “the crack-up boom”:
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit [debt] expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit (debt) expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.
Political cowards around the world have chosen Mises’ second outcome – “a total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”
None of the countries have the resources to continue to fund current programs. As their economies deteriorate, they will “print money” in order to continue meeting obligations and stimulating. At some point, the money supply will explode vis a vis the goods available.
We have seen many “impossibles” in the last couple of years. Be prepared for the next — a hyperinflationary depression. It is not impossible, it is not an oxymoron and it should surprise no thinking economist. It is nearly upon us.
Your lifestyle will depend on how prepared you are to meet this newest, biggest and most horrific Black Swan. This beast will destroy economies, overthrow some governments, and alter the nature of the world.
Wake up people! Your politicians have no intention of heading this off.
Author: Mac Slavo
- June 9th, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Hyperinflation - Germany 1923
A teaching resource to support an explanation of the economic process of inflation; how the Weimar Government reacted and how it contributed to the Year of Crisis 1923
plymhistnet Michelle West Plymstock KS4 Weimar Germany GCSE History Humanities Plymouth Network
Friday, June 4, 2010
Peter Schiff: "Goldline overcharges:" Glenn Beck's sponsor is a price gouger.
What Glenn Beck, Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Gerald Celente, Alex Jones, Max Keiser, President Obama,Nancy Pelosi,Hillary Clinton and others didn't tell you. The fundamental transformation of America that's currently underway.
Jason Bermas 911 Economic Collapse Inflation Revolution Alex Jones Glenn Beck Peter Schiff Marc Faber Jim Rogers Gerald Celente Max Keiser Survival Preppers Wall Street Police State Tea Party President Obama Nancy Pelosi Hillary Clinton income taxes Pimco Bill Gross El-Erian Stock Market Crash Milton Friedman Ludwig Von Mises.
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