The Collapse Of The US Dollar is now inevitable...... View over 250 Videos on this dire reality. Please Prepare yourself, and pass this on to your friends and loved ones.....
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Crisis by Design Coast to Coast AM 15 June 2010
Crisis by Design Coast to AM Jim Rogers Financial Sens Newshour with jim Puplava Marc Faber gerald celente The Alex Jones Investment Robert Kiyosaki Mike Maloney Bob Chapman Tucker Daniel Estulin Bilderberg Webster Tarpley alex jones peter schiff commodities gold silver federal reserve economic collapse crisis gata inflation bernanke LTCM max keiser comex GATA dollar fiat amero currency bretton stock market crash rothschild jp morgan goldman sachs
Dispatches - Crash - How Long Will It Last.
Jim Rogers Financial Sens Newshour with jim Puplava Marc Faber gerald celente The Alex Jones Show Gold and Silver Investment Robert Kiyosaki Mike Maloney Bob Chapman Tucker Daniel Estulin Bilderberg Webster Griffin Tarpley alex jones peter schiff buy commodities gold silver federal reserve economic collapse crisis gata inflation bernanke LTCM max keiser stacy herbert comex GATA dollar fiat amero currency bretton stock market crash rothschild jp morgan goldman sachs
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Worse than a Depression

We are witnessing the death of democratic socialism. No politician wants it to happen, but none can prevent it. We are at the point where the Ponzi concept of “extend and pretend” has been extended beyond social commitments and banking systems to entire economies. We are approaching what Ludwig von Mises described as “the crack-up boom”:
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit [debt] expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit (debt) expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.
Political cowards around the world have chosen Mises’ second outcome – “a total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”
None of the countries have the resources to continue to fund current programs. As their economies deteriorate, they will “print money” in order to continue meeting obligations and stimulating. At some point, the money supply will explode vis a vis the goods available.
We have seen many “impossibles” in the last couple of years. Be prepared for the next — a hyperinflationary depression. It is not impossible, it is not an oxymoron and it should surprise no thinking economist. It is nearly upon us.
Your lifestyle will depend on how prepared you are to meet this newest, biggest and most horrific Black Swan. This beast will destroy economies, overthrow some governments, and alter the nature of the world.
Wake up people! Your politicians have no intention of heading this off.
Author: Mac Slavo
- June 9th, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Hyperinflation - Germany 1923
A teaching resource to support an explanation of the economic process of inflation; how the Weimar Government reacted and how it contributed to the Year of Crisis 1923
plymhistnet Michelle West Plymstock KS4 Weimar Germany GCSE History Humanities Plymouth Network
Friday, June 4, 2010
Peter Schiff: "Goldline overcharges:" Glenn Beck's sponsor is a price gouger.
What Glenn Beck, Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Gerald Celente, Alex Jones, Max Keiser, President Obama,Nancy Pelosi,Hillary Clinton and others didn't tell you. The fundamental transformation of America that's currently underway.
Jason Bermas 911 Economic Collapse Inflation Revolution Alex Jones Glenn Beck Peter Schiff Marc Faber Jim Rogers Gerald Celente Max Keiser Survival Preppers Wall Street Police State Tea Party President Obama Nancy Pelosi Hillary Clinton income taxes Pimco Bill Gross El-Erian Stock Market Crash Milton Friedman Ludwig Von Mises.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Gerald Celente on - What's Next For Our Economy?
gerald celente abc6 Jim Rogers buy commodities gold silver federal reserve economic collapse crisis michael maloney gata inflation alan greenspan ben bernanke LTCM Peter schiff max keiser stacy herbert comex GATA dollar fiat amero currency bretton stock market crash rothschild jp morgan goldman sachs
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Are We About To Witness The Greatest Banking Consolidation In U.S. History?

As the number of bank failures in the United States continues to accelerate, many analysts are warning that we could soon see unprecedented changes in the U.S. banking industry. In fact, there are some economists that are warning that we could be about to witness the greatest banking consolidation in U.S. history. As dozens of small and medium size banks have failed, the megabanks have systematically been gobbling up larger and larger slices of market share. In fact, if current trends continue, it doesn't take much imagination to foresee a future where the entire U.S. banking industry has been consolidated down to between 5 and 10 "superbanks". So would that be so bad? Well, yes it would. It would represent a massive shift in financial power away from the American people to big, global corporate banks. But if you happen to be a fan of big, global corporate banks perhaps you will really love what is about to happen to the U.S. banking industry.
On Friday, federal regulators seized Pinehurst Bank, which brought the total number of U.S. banks closed this year to 73. At this point in 2009, only 36 banks had failed.
That means that the number of bank failures has doubled compared to the same time period a year ago.
Is that a good trend?
Well, it is a good trend if you are one of the megabanks that is gobbling up the remnants of these banks that were "small enough to fail".
And the sad thing is that we are likely to see dozens and dozens more small and medium size banks fail in the coming months.
The FDIC recently announced that the number of banks on its "problem list" climbed to 702 at the end of 2009. That is extremely alarming considering the fact that only 552 banks were on the problem list at the end of September 2009 and only 252 banks that were on the problem list at the end of 2008.
In fact, the FDIC is expecting so many banks to fail that they are opening up new offices just to handle all the expected failures. The FDIC has opened a massive 100,000 square foot satellite office near Chicago that will house up to 500 temporary staffers and contractors to manage receiverships and liquidate assets from what they are expecting will be a gigantic wave of failed Midwest banks. Not only that, but the FDIC has also opened similar offices in Irvine, California and Jacksonville, Florida.
But can the FDIC realistically handle all of these bank failures?
The FDIC is backing 8,000 banks that have a total of $13 trillion in assets with a deposit insurance fund that is basically flat broke.
So if the FDIC completely runs out of money, where will all the necessary funds come from?
From U.S. taxpayers of course.
It seems that we are the ultimate bailout machine.
Meanwhile, the biggest U.S. banks are hoarding cash in preparation for hard times. In fact, the biggest banks in the United States cut their collective small business lending balance by another 1 billion dollars in November 2009. That drop was the seventh monthly decline in a row.
The truth is that in 2009, the biggest U.S. banks posted their sharpest decline in lending since 1942.
So what were they doing with their money?
Well, thanks to the Federal Reserve, the megabanks were using the U.S. Treasury carry trade to make huge gobs of cash. In fact, the little game that they are playing with U.S. Treasuries is working so well that four of the biggest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup) had a "perfect quarter" with zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010.
The truth is that the game is rigged to benefit the largest financial institutions, and they are slowly but surely gobbling up the entire U.S. banking market.
Back in 2000, the "Big Four" U.S. banks - Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo - held approximately 22 percent of all deposits in FDIC-insured institutions. As of June 30th of last year that figure was up to 39 percent.
The Founding Fathers of this country warned us of the danger of big banks getting too much power, but we have not listened to their warnings.
Now we have monolithic global banks that are so immense in size that we seem almost powerless to control them.
In fact, the six biggest banks in the United States (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo) now possess assets equivalent to 60 percent of America's gross national product.
And there is every indication that they are only going to get bigger and more dominant - especially if there is a major economic downturn ahead.
Unfortunately, that is what a number of respected economists are forecasting.
For example, Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster recently warned his readers that things could get really, really bad by the end of 2010....
It should interest you to know that my Intel source inside the Fed says absolutely no later than November the banking system should implode. Presently 75% of banks have problems and that the top 5 banks will take over all the others in a general nationalization. There is tremendous fear and uneasiness in the banking world.
Now, let us hope that Bob Chapman's source is wrong. Certainly the U.S. banking system is in a state of complete and total chaos, but hopefully we can make it into 2011 without a complete implosion of the banking industry.
However, Bob Chapman has been in the industry for decades and he would not have put out a warning like this without good reason. Let us just pray that what this source is warning of does not actually come to pass.
But Bob Chapman is not the only one warning of difficult times ahead.
CNBC recently quoted Brian Kelly, the founder of Kanundrum Capital, as saying that the chances of a global depression breaking out have increased dramatically in recent days....
"Two weeks ago I would give the global depression scenario a one percent chance, but the chances have increased to 10 percent today."
In fact, world famous economist Nouriel Roubini is absolutely convinced that there is a good deal of economic trouble ahead of us....
"We are still in the middle of this crisis and there is more trouble ahead of us, even if there is a recovery. During the great depression the economy contracted between 1929 and 1933, there was the beginning of a recovery, but then a second recession from 1937 to 1939. If you don't address the issues, you risk having a double-dip recession and one which is at least as severe as the first one."
So will the end of 2010 be a very difficult time for the U.S. economy?
Only time will tell.
But what does seem certain is that small and medium size banks will continue to fail in large numbers, and the big dominant banks will continue to gobble up market share.
We are witnessing a dramatic consolidation of the U.S. banking industry, and the only question seems to be how fast it is all going to play out.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A Nice and Easy Program To Get Free Silver Walking Liberties....
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Note to marketers only - There is a growing interest in silver and gold. It's no secret that prices have been rising due to limited supply and more demand. Yet, only 4% of the population currently own precious metals. You do the math.
More and more people are becoming interested in owning silver and gold. They need to know about the program where a little gives you a lot of silver.
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SilverSnowball offers you a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee and you can cancel at any time. With many experts expecting higher prices now is the time to accumulate silver.
Click for more info:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
1 OZ gold = 400 loaves of bread?
Its said that 1 OZ of gold has always bought about 400 loaves of bread .......even in the ancient Egyptian times, it bought the same amount. Today 400 loaves of bread cost approx. 1100.00 dollars.
1 loaf of bread is on average 2.75 a loaf.
1 loaf of bread is on average 2.75 a loaf.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Marc Faber: Economy is not recovering
The government leads you to believe that we are in an economic recovery, however, it is actually the total opposite. A depression and inflation are what the US is looking forward to.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Germany latest victim of phony ( fake ) gold bar scam
by on March 21, 2010
By Pat Shannan
Amid international accusations that U.S. officials in the Clinton administration replaced gold in Fort Knox with phony, mostly tungsten bars that were later shipped to China and other places yet unknown, a German refinery has now discovered that it has received a bogus “gold” bar as well.
The video proof was shown on the German television station ProSieben that ran the news story covering W.C. Heraeus in Hanau, Germany, the world’s largest privately owned refinery.
In the story, Wilfried Horner, head of the gold foundry, shows a 500-gram bar (16.0755 troy ounces) received from an unidentified bank. The bar had the right physical dimensions to be an authentic gold bar, but one of the Heraeus employees suspected something.
After the bar was cut in half, the TV audience could plainly see that the dark insides were tungsten, with only a coating of gold on the outside.
While the story never aired on American TV, it is available on the Internet.
( we have found this video, please see below )
Last fall, Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics in Toronto reported that China’s central bank had discovered nearly 6,000 400-ounce gold-plated tungsten bars among those it had recently received from bonded warehouses.
It was later learned that at least four counterfeit bars at other locations were found and that all had come from sources within the United States, including Fort Knox, according to the Chinese investigators.
As suspicions grow about counterfeit bars among those held in bonded warehouses for delivery against either COMEX or London Bullion Market Association contracts or shares of exchange-traded funds, investors could panic. It is believed this could be the reason for the blackout on news coverage in the United States on this story except for AFP.
Several metals have similar densities to gold. However, using these metals to produce fake gold is unprofitable due to their high cost. There are two metals that are suitable, from both a density and economic perspective, for manufacturing fake gold—uranium and tungsten.
These metals aren’t without their negatives. Uranium can be radioactive. Tungsten is extremely brittle—the exact opposite of gold. Additionally, tungsten has the highest known melting point of any non-alloyed metal at 3,422 degrees Celsius (6,192 F),making it difficult to work with. However, it appears that at least one high-temperature furnace is producing gilded tungsten products.
Gilded steel is a unconvincing form of fake gold. A steel bar identical in size to the standard 400-troy ounce gold bars commonly used in bank-to-bank trades would weigh only 162.5 troy ounces (about 60 percent lighter) and would be easily identifiable as counterfeit.
Gold’s unmistakable density, along with its scarcity, durability, and other qualities, made it attractive to be used as money for our nation’s founders, and its theft through Federal Reserve fakery over the past century has provoked these current problems of “banker control” via paper notes and credit over what was designed to be the actual money.
Thus far, the commodity exchanges have disclaimed any responsibility for the purity of the gold bars they are delivering against contracts. However, as stories of gold-plated tungsten bars in bonded warehouses continue to appear, brokers say we can expect the commodity exchanges to be forced—not legally, but to meet competition—to modify their business practices to provide a guaranty of purity for any bars they deliver.
To maximize safety, it is advisable to trade now only for only smaller size coins and ingots, such as one ounce of gold content or less. One-tenth and quarter-ounce pieces will be desirable and usable during a hyperinflation or a depression. Individuals should deal only with companies that have a lengthy track record and in-house staff expertise. Trustworthy dealers have told us that if you have purchased coins and ingots from unknown sources, you may want have them checked out by an experienced independent third party, because even these can be counterfeited, but not nearly as likely.
The respected dealers with decades of integrity in their past tell us that these problems have been created by “big-time” international swindlers, not to mention governments, counterfeiting multi-ounce bars and should have no effect on the confidence of the individual investor who is exchanging his Federal Reserve note paper for gold coins.
For all of the reasons above, it would be advisable to take physical possession of the smaller sizes of gold coins and bars now, and know that what you own is genuine, solid gold
By Pat Shannan
Amid international accusations that U.S. officials in the Clinton administration replaced gold in Fort Knox with phony, mostly tungsten bars that were later shipped to China and other places yet unknown, a German refinery has now discovered that it has received a bogus “gold” bar as well.
The video proof was shown on the German television station ProSieben that ran the news story covering W.C. Heraeus in Hanau, Germany, the world’s largest privately owned refinery.
In the story, Wilfried Horner, head of the gold foundry, shows a 500-gram bar (16.0755 troy ounces) received from an unidentified bank. The bar had the right physical dimensions to be an authentic gold bar, but one of the Heraeus employees suspected something.
After the bar was cut in half, the TV audience could plainly see that the dark insides were tungsten, with only a coating of gold on the outside.
While the story never aired on American TV, it is available on the Internet.
( we have found this video, please see below )
Last fall, Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics in Toronto reported that China’s central bank had discovered nearly 6,000 400-ounce gold-plated tungsten bars among those it had recently received from bonded warehouses.
It was later learned that at least four counterfeit bars at other locations were found and that all had come from sources within the United States, including Fort Knox, according to the Chinese investigators.
As suspicions grow about counterfeit bars among those held in bonded warehouses for delivery against either COMEX or London Bullion Market Association contracts or shares of exchange-traded funds, investors could panic. It is believed this could be the reason for the blackout on news coverage in the United States on this story except for AFP.
Several metals have similar densities to gold. However, using these metals to produce fake gold is unprofitable due to their high cost. There are two metals that are suitable, from both a density and economic perspective, for manufacturing fake gold—uranium and tungsten.
These metals aren’t without their negatives. Uranium can be radioactive. Tungsten is extremely brittle—the exact opposite of gold. Additionally, tungsten has the highest known melting point of any non-alloyed metal at 3,422 degrees Celsius (6,192 F),making it difficult to work with. However, it appears that at least one high-temperature furnace is producing gilded tungsten products.
Gilded steel is a unconvincing form of fake gold. A steel bar identical in size to the standard 400-troy ounce gold bars commonly used in bank-to-bank trades would weigh only 162.5 troy ounces (about 60 percent lighter) and would be easily identifiable as counterfeit.
Gold’s unmistakable density, along with its scarcity, durability, and other qualities, made it attractive to be used as money for our nation’s founders, and its theft through Federal Reserve fakery over the past century has provoked these current problems of “banker control” via paper notes and credit over what was designed to be the actual money.
Thus far, the commodity exchanges have disclaimed any responsibility for the purity of the gold bars they are delivering against contracts. However, as stories of gold-plated tungsten bars in bonded warehouses continue to appear, brokers say we can expect the commodity exchanges to be forced—not legally, but to meet competition—to modify their business practices to provide a guaranty of purity for any bars they deliver.
To maximize safety, it is advisable to trade now only for only smaller size coins and ingots, such as one ounce of gold content or less. One-tenth and quarter-ounce pieces will be desirable and usable during a hyperinflation or a depression. Individuals should deal only with companies that have a lengthy track record and in-house staff expertise. Trustworthy dealers have told us that if you have purchased coins and ingots from unknown sources, you may want have them checked out by an experienced independent third party, because even these can be counterfeited, but not nearly as likely.
The respected dealers with decades of integrity in their past tell us that these problems have been created by “big-time” international swindlers, not to mention governments, counterfeiting multi-ounce bars and should have no effect on the confidence of the individual investor who is exchanging his Federal Reserve note paper for gold coins.
For all of the reasons above, it would be advisable to take physical possession of the smaller sizes of gold coins and bars now, and know that what you own is genuine, solid gold
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
dollar collapse, dollar crash, silver investing, gold investing, economy, survival, bug out bag, weapons, gerald celente, marc faber, peter schiff, alex jones, michael savage, max keiser, ron paul, rogers, visionvictory,, shtfplan, manoftruth, obama, bush, clinton, china, greece, gold bug, webster tarpley, SHTF, martial law, sheeple, depression, recession, salbuchi, nouriel roubini, george4title, spain, latvia, italy, ireland, death of the dollar, teotwawki, gold, silver, silver snowball, copper, nwo, new world order, bob chapman, nassim nicholas taleb, naomi wolf, 33 minutes, bank holiday
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hyperinflation- What may be coming to the USA
Click link to read the scary history of:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
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